The ScottyCast’s Podcast

I will be conducting interviews with some famous, but always interesting people.

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Sunday Dec 22, 2024

Many people have died of second hand smoke. The people that smoke tend to not think about others.
There is no doubt that cigarettes cause cancer.
Why does any government allow cigarettes to be sold. Are they getting kickbacks from the companies that produce the product?
All I know is that vaping, while I don't approve of that, I believe that a new kind of electric cigarette could be developed that could, over time, reduce the amount of nicotine delivered, and at the same time, introduce another substance that would reduce the addition to nicotine.
To wrap up, make cigarettes illegal, and modify existing e-cigarettes to help fight the addiction.

Friday Dec 06, 2024

In this world, we all see through our own eyes. We don't consider other people if they are a different color, or have some religion we don't understand. we also have to see 'handicapped' people, and people of other races, as our equals.
We really need to start loving each other. We need to pull on the same end of the rope!
We need to stop needless spending. Did you know that over 2 trillion dollars of clothing are thrown away each year!
Our Earth cannot survive, if we don't pull together and loving, and helping each other.
That include animals. Animals also feel fear and pain just like humans!
Thank you for listening!

Monday Dec 02, 2024

Controlling what people (especially kids) put into there body, and mind, will have a tremendous effect on their behavior and health.
Please restrict your child's use of a cellphone, rather turn them into readers of books (paper books), instead of cellphone junkies.
My brother always got in trouble with my parents, not because he did something wrong, rather because after they put him to bed in the evening, they caught with a flashlight under his sheet, and blanket, reading a book. This happened over and over again.
That brother never stopped that habit of reading and became impossible to beat in Trivial Pursuit.
He also want on to receive a PhD at a very young age and, to make a long story short:
He became the longest serving President of the University of New Hampshire in history.
ADHD, what is the cause? Do you think it's genetic? 
Well it isn't. Many conditions, and even diseases, are caused by our diets.
Sugar is poison! Sugar is totally empty calories and tastes good. But that is just good-tasting poison!
Sugar and other unhealthy foods are the root cause of ADHD and other conditions. Start eating a healthy diet, and you will see many of these conditions disappear. 
Thanks for listening!

Saturday Nov 30, 2024

I was at a mall and I saw people acting cattle, rushing forward to try and steal the next deal. They seemed like crazy people.
By the way, in case you did know, Jesus was born in the Summer. 
The event that is called Christmas has turned into a huge money-making opportunity for nearly every store!
Count your blessings that you have any clothes. Please don't throw away perfectly good clothing.
Did you know that over two trillion dollars worth of clothing is thrown into a dump in third-world countries!
Try to buy less new clothing and you will help the Earth.
Please try to watch "The True Cost", and then try to get the schools to show that, even in Junior High.

Friday Nov 29, 2024

I used to live in a place where there is a beautiful lake and forest. I experienced the whole area with great joy, because of its beauty. That was, until a walked a bit into the forest and saw a huge cut through the  forest for power lines!
We have the technology now, to bury the power lines and save trees.
Of course, it isn't just power lines that are the problem! It is also the cutting of trees for you in animal agriculture. 
Trees are the second greatest producer of the air that we breath. Plankton are number one, but man is also poisoning the oceans which is also killing the plankton.
I guess it's time for all of us to consider whether or not we want to survive in the future. Right now, with the killing of the plankton and the cutting down all the trees, there will be no more air to breath!
Help stop this trend!

Wednesday Nov 27, 2024

I guess, most of us have experienced teachers that:
1) Put you to sleep or
2) Made you afraid to raise your hand.
Many people that think they want to go into teaching, just aren't capable of teaching. They still become a teacher, but are not one of the good ones.
That is why I think all individuals should be tested to see if they are truly 'Teacher material'.
The test should include a psychological evaluation, a test to find what kind of personality they have (using Myers-Briggs type indicator) and a written test asking pertinent questions about various aspects of their thinking.
If this could be implemented in the schools, then we would have children that can actually learn very well, because they enjoy learning with the right teacher.
Try to get some of these ideas implemented in your own schools!

Monday Nov 25, 2024

We keep cutting down the forests to make room for farming lands. Why do we always need to make more land for farms? Because there are always more people.
The world's population is increasing at an alarming rate! We cannot support ongoing numbers of humans on this small planet.
This planet won't even survive with what we are doing to it.
Before man was 'civilized', there was a natural balance on the Earth.
That is unfortunately gone now.
Think about it. China had one very good idea (and only that one), which was only having two children per family. 
I have nothing against any religion, but the Catholics are quite well known, also some others, for producing as many children as possible.
This cannot be sustained.

Monday Nov 18, 2024

As time goes on, complexity increases. That is, a direct relationship.
Whether it's a new device like a computer or some machine, they are becoming harder and harder to use. 
The simple hammer, became a jackhammer. The first computers, while not as fast, could be fixed easily by the owner. Now, if something happens to your computer, you need an expert to fix it (and pay them a lot of money). 
The same goes for cars. Cars used to be quite simple and easy to maintain and repair. Now both of those tasks need to be done by an expert.
Companies don't use AI voices, when you call a customer support service, because they think it's better for you, the customer. Rather, the reason is that it's cheaper for the company to implement it that way. 
I hope the world turns around and starts trying to go back to simplicity!

Friday Nov 15, 2024

Russia used to have St. Petersburg as the cultural center of Europe.
Now it is run by a madman named Vladimir Putin. He has changed the Russian law book, so that he can stay in power.
He is a macho and likes to show off in public so that they think he's a great guy, or so he would like to believe.
I've met several Russians that would like to seem him gone from the face of the Earth!
His attacking of the Ukraine is both inhumane and provocative, at the same time. He provoked many western countries (but not enough) to come to the aid of the Ukraine!
Let's pull together and try to rid the world of the scum that Putin is! 

Thursday Nov 14, 2024

North Korea is the biggest offender when it comes to treating it's people like cattle. Not that cattle should be treated unfairly, but certainly the citizens of any country should be treated fairly. 
Each country that is discussed in The Lords of War is also treating their citizens unfairly.
North Korea is the poster child of all countries in relation to unjust behavior.

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